This recipe is showing up in my browser as a series of symbols. I just thought I'd let you know, it looks like a font problem rather than a language problem because the symbols are things like envelopes and stuff that wouldn't be a language character.
I am enjoying your blog very much. This is a great resource!
Oh no! Thanks for informing me, appreciated. Funny thing was that it showed up perfect in my pc. But I did check and you are right, the forts was in 'webdings'. So I repost it again. Hope it's fine now. Thanks again and for dropping by. Cheers from Fruity
This recipe is showing up in my browser as a series of symbols. I just thought I'd let you know, it looks like a font problem rather than a language problem because the symbols are things like envelopes and stuff that wouldn't be a language character.
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying your blog very much. This is a great resource!
Oh no! Thanks for informing me, appreciated. Funny thing was that it showed up perfect in my pc. But I did check and you are right, the forts was in 'webdings'. So I repost it again. Hope it's fine now. Thanks again and for dropping by. Cheers from Fruity