Monday, August 13, 2007

Hami Melon

Common Name: Hami Melon
Botanical Name: Cucumis melo
Specimens from: China
Specimens Weight: 1816 gm [4 lb 0.5 oz]

Hami melon is originated from China. The name, "hami" derives from a place in Xinjiang, North-west China, where it is very popular for their melons. For several thousand years, Hami and its surrounding provinces have been the traditional growing areas of this melon but have since spread to the south of China too.

There are many kinds of hami melons and it can be in several different shapes and colors. But it is usually from round to oval in shape. Rind colors are off-white, yellow, brown or green. Some with lines, netting or patches.

Depending on the various cultivars, it is usually sweet and crisp but some may be quite tasteless, especially when it is not fully ripe. When it is fully ripe, it is sometimes with dark patches on the rind as if it's gonna rot soon and heavier for its size. But do not wait till it is overripe as it will get too mushy

Hami melon; Cucumis melo; Inodorus group; Curcurbitaceae.

View other fruits in the same family: Curcurbitaceae [Gourd Family]

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  1. Hi!!
    I came across your blog and I thought it was a great beginning!!
    I can't wait to read more of your items.

  2. Thanks Pam for dropping by. Please feel free to come back anytime, cheers!

  3. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I grow Hami melons commercially and the picture you have listed is a piel de sapo melon from Spain, not a Hami melon. To see what a hami melon looks like feel free to visit oour website at

  4. Thanks Milas for pointing up the error. It had been since changed to the right photos. Fruity

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Whenever I shall take it I shall take it ripe only . Thanks for informing .

    Free Satellite TV

  6. "hami melons" .. this is the first time i am hearing about such a fruit thanks for the information.

    "bpo solutions"

  7. Anonymous2:17 AM

    These melons were on sale 3lbs for a $1 so I bought one. How can I tell when my Hami melon is ripe?

  8. We have near-isogenic lines of melon with introgression of the korean accession PI 161375 into the "Piel de sapo" background (also Inodorus group) with similar aspect to this picture. I think that Hami melon has a yellow skin color.
    Additionally, some Piel de sapo melons look like this one sometimes, depending on the environmental conditions. And of course the inside is similar, though light orange flesh is usually indicative of an upcoming senescence.

    Juan Pablo Fernández Trujillo
    UPCT. Cartagena (Murcia). Spain.
