Sunday, August 12, 2007


Common Name: Sapodilla
Vernacular Names: Naseberry, Ciku, Chiku, Chikoo, Chico, Sapoti, Sapota, Lamoot, Hồng xiêm, Chicosapote
Botanical Name: Manilkara zapota
Specimens from: Vietnam
Specimens Weight: 164 gm (average wgt per fruit)

Sapodilla is a common tropical fruit. It goes by many different vernacular names, depending on the language of your country. This fruit originated from Mexico and a few surrounding countries.

The fruit is either round, oval or conical, due to the various cultivars. Greenish-brown(fruit on the left in the first photo above) is still unripe and hard but will turn brown and soft when it is ready to eat. Flesh is yellowish-orange to earthy-brown, with a grainy texture. The taste is extremely sweet and juicy. The kind of sweetness is similar to the taste of caramel or brown sugar syrup and that is why I call it "Mr. Brown Sugar"

The easiest way to eat it, is to cut it into half and scoop it with a spoon but be careful of the seeds as the flattened dark brownish-black seed is toxic. Make sure you get rid of the seeds before putting it into your mouth, as to avoid swallowing it accidentally. Due to the curved shape at one end of the seed, similar to a small hook, it can easily lodge inside your throat. Seeds count are usually between two to four but if you are lucky, some are seedless

Fruit: Sapodilla; Manilkara zapota; Sapotaceae.

Other fruit in the same family: Canistel

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  1. We had a ciku tree many, many years ago and enjoyed much of its fruitage. Nevertheless, it was infested with too many ants and the ants bit the children. Therefore grandpa decided to chop it off. Sad...

  2. Oh no, so sad. Anything sweet will always attract the ants, especially this fruit tree's latex. Thanks for dropping by

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Oh ciku! It's been so long since I last have them...

  4. This fruit should be common in your country.. I find it way too sweet..

  5. We call this fruit chico here in the Philippines and this is one of my favorites. My all time fave is mangga (mango) and pakwan (watermelon).

    I love your site! Makes me want to visit my grandfather's home where all the fruit trees are!

  6. Hi Issa:
    Thanks for coming by and how sweet of you that you love it here. As sweet as chico :) Welcome back anytime. Cheers from Fruity

  7. Chico. Famous in Philipines. also we have around 3 in our backyard but i don't like it when this tree gets old. But hte fruit, Oh i love it. some don't like its sandy feeling in the mouth but hey its delicious!

  8. Yes, I find it too sweet and sandy for my liking. You seem to have so many fruit trees at your place. I wish I got some too..

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Could someone tell me where I can but his sapodilla fruit. I live in northern CA, close to SFO. Thanks

  10. In Jamaica we call this fruit, naseberry.

  11. Anonymous10:24 AM

    i'm curious about the nutritional content... anyone kno ?

  12. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I like this fruit its simply a extremely sweet fruit. Splendid !!

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  13. Anonymous2:42 PM

    in The Bahamas we call this fruit dilly

  14. Is this same with Sapote fruit?

  15. I was talking to a friend of of mine in Jamaica and i said i was picking Dilly and they did not know what i meant at all!Here in the Bahamas we call them Dilly,there are alot of tress around ,and they are very sweet!

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sir, is it chico the sweetest? well not contradicting to the guiness record of manggoe.


  17. hoe many production got in year 2007 -2012
