Thursday, September 20, 2007


  • Common Name: Jujube
  • Vernacular Name: Common jujube, Chinese date, Red date
  • Scientific Name: Ziziphus zizyphus
  • Specimens From: China
  • Specimens Weight: 15 gm (Average weight per fruit)
Jujube has been cultivated in China for at least a few thousand years back, with several hundred of known cultivars. It is still immensely popular till the present day, especially for the traditional and medicinal purposes.

Depending on the various cultivars, it can be round, oval or elongated. It is usually olive-sized or slightly larger, with a single brown stone. Appearance somewhat like a wild crabapple. As you can see from the above photo, the immature jujube is green, ripens to yellowish-green with red spots appearing. It will turn fully red when mature and starts to wrinkle at the last stage.

It can be eaten whole, minus the stone, at any of the ripening stages. Crisp and mildly sweet when green to red but soft and sweet when in the wrinkled, dried stage.

Red Dates [Dried, big and small]
The dried fruits, which are commonly called "red dates" even though it is not a true date but it looks one. It is very popular and often use in Chinese/Korean soups, drinks and desserts.

The bigger the dates, the quality is better and hence it is twice as expensive compare to the smaller dates.

Red Dates Drink
Try a red date drink. Pour boiling water and let it cover and simmer it for about fifteen minutes or so. It will be better to cut the dates into half, so as to let the pulp of the dates to immerse into the drink. It may taste only slightly sweet but that is enough for a good, healthy drink with no sugar added.  

Jujube may look small but it is extremely high in vitamin C. It is a fruit that can heal sore throat. Excuse me, I think I need one now.

Fruit: Jujube; Ziziphus zizyphus; Rhamnaceae. 


  1. We used to have jujubes candy when I was young, and they were a very hard yet chewy confection and were various fruit flavors and colors.

    I didn't realize there was a jujube fruit. Will have to see if I can find some!

  2. Hi Fruity.......I am bowled dear :-)
    When ur title said 'jujube' klm said,it reminded me of that candy we used to have when we were children......My mouth still waters thinking of them.
    Now here u are with a fruit named 'jujube'.....I really really wonder where u collect all these samples from and present them to us....
    Fabulous as usual dear....Great great job :-) Cheers....Sirisha

  3. This fruit looks familiar. I may have seen or tasted it before.

  4. Hey I really like your blog:) I'm a fruit lover too. Love the layout. Have a great day.

  5. Never tried one. I want to!

  6. I have never heard of them before, but like the others I have had the candy before.

  7. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The Jujube is the base fruit in a new nutritional drink called Bazi. It also contains goji, acai, mangosteen, pomegranate and other juices.

    Drink Jujube

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    What a coincidence: both you and me are posting about friuty or spicy things from China!

    Wishing you a great end to your week:-)

  9. Interesting, Fruity. I wonder if the candy got its name from this.

  10. Sorry for the late reply:

    Hi kml, sirisha, tammy & sue:
    Those are jujube candy, popular as snacks at the movies. Though it is the same name, it got nothing to do with this fruit, not even in its ingredients.

    I travel often and sampler any fruits that crosses my path, so it's easy for me to blog about it.

    Hi neo & urban:
    Some fruits do look alike but tastes differently. It is not easy to find one in the States

    Hi carolyn:
    Welcome aboard. Enjoy your stay here.

    Hi rennyba:
    Oh is it. I'll swing by later

    Cheers from Fruity

  11. Anonymous2:07 AM

    I have just moved to the tiny island of Paxos, Greece. The jujube grows wild here (a local introduced them to me) and tastes absolutely fantastic. Very sweet and crispy.

    Do you think it is possible that it "always" grew wild here, or is it more likely that they were brought to the island for cultivation a few centuries ago?

    Are there other names for this fruit?

  12. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Fruit with medicinal property is good . I am happy to read it .Thanks .

    Free Satellite TV

  13. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I live in Thailand and just had my first jujube. My first remark was that it tastes like an apple, only lighter. Fantastic fruit.

  14. Anonymous11:03 AM

    GREAT WEB have solved our mystery...what fruit is growing in our backyard? JUJUBE!
    in BKSFLD CA, bought home w/many asian fruit trees. searched for 2 wks online...THANKS for the ANSWER.
    still have one more unknown fruit to find. PS - your PHOTOS made all the difference.
