Sunday, October 21, 2007


  • Common Name: Blackberry
  • Scientific Name: Rubus fruticosus
  • Specimens From: USA
The blackberry is not a true berry. It is an aggregate fruit of many smaller fruits together. It is a common fruit growing wild, throughout the northern parts of Europe and the American continent.

The blackberry is presently classified under the sub-family of "Rosoideae" of "Rosaceae" family. "Rubus" genus is complex as it is further divided into many sub-genus. The species can easily hybrid with one another, both intentional and natural, giving rise to numerous hybrid berries. There are also many wild species of berries which look very similar to blackberries. And not forgetting numerous blackberry cultivars producing different sizes.

Do not mix up with the black raspberry. It is another related fruit that looks alike and in some places, it is also known as the blackberry too. It differs in having a hollow core and tastes differently.

The blackberry is green when young, changing to red and finally to shiny black or very dark purple when matures. It is soft and melts in your mouth and tastes sweet and tasty! Common usage includes processing into jams, wines, smoothies and desserts.


  1. We have many of these thorny black berry bushes growing wild along our stone wall. Our favorite use for them is jam. The bushes get more prevalent every year - almost too many!

  2. Blackberries are called "björnbär" in Swedish -literally translated "bear-berries" in English. That leads one to wonder why, but there is no answer.

  3. Mmm, I've been having these for breakfast lately and they are a tasty treat.

  4. Bears love blackberries and raspberries!!! Of the two, my favorite is the blackberry because of the deep, rich flavor. :D

    I have an autumn photo of red-tipped blackberry leaves on a not too long ago post on my blog.

    Wild wave!!!

    Hugs, JJ

  5. I didn't know it wasn't a true fruit! Anyway, I love blackberries - in a dish, in a cobbler, in a pie, in a jam, any kind of way!

  6. blackberry with ice cream makes the perfect dessert! unfortunately at my place we get it only frozen, not fresh ones.

  7. When I was around nine years old, we had a lot of blot berries in the our yards and it was easy to propagate them. My dad would even have some cuttings of the branches and plant them to make a fence in our yards. Those were the lovely days, when all my shirts would be stained with the juice coming from the berries. These days though, I don't see any single black berry tree at home anymore but houses all around us.^^

  8. Hi Fruity....This time u are back with blackberry...Nice one......Interesting info dear.....:-)

  9. I love stewed blackberries and icecream Fruity.....mulberries too !!!!
    I have given you a special award at
    have a great day :)

  10. Blackberry jam is delicious!!!!

  11. Kml, LMS, how I wish I have those berries climbing up my walls. Just pluck one and eat anytime :)

    Karin, probably those berries are often eaten by bears

    Kelly, JJ, Morinn, Sirisha, Tammy:
    Blackberries are such a sweet fruit and so many usages of it.

    Janet, it is a true fruit. It is not a true berry.

    Kim, thanks again for your award

  12. Nice post, as always. I prefer strawberries though.

  13. Good morning, Fruity!!! Jeff and I picked at our first pomegranate yesterday. :D I never would have been so bold if you wouldn't have posted about pomegranates before. YUM!

    I've awarded you the "Nice Matters Award" on my blog.

    Hugs, JJ

  14. Thanks for your award and great to hear that you are trying new fruits, JJ. Sorry for the slow reply

  15. Anonymous12:47 PM

    black berry are looking too sweet & are very appealing taste.

    Free Satellite TV

  16. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Oh boy, blackberries ! I love them ! I had some yesterday, and, my fingers and lips are still black. :))

    The history of fruits
