Thursday, January 10, 2008


Common Name: Persimmon
Vernacular Names: Oriental persimmon, Japanese persimmon, Kaki
Botanical Name: Diospyros kaki
Specimens From: China
Specimens Weight: 200 gm [7.05 oz]

Persimmon in this species are also called "Oriental or Japanese" persimmon, excluding the "American Persimmon" as it is classified under another species but in the same family. It is native to China and is extremely popular in its native country and also in Japan and Korea.

It is then divided into two categories, namely "Astringent and Non-astringent" persimmons:

Astringent: Can only be eaten when it is completely ripe due to the high content of tannin.

Non-astringent: Can be eaten even in it's hard, orange stage as the tannin content is greatly reduced, the moment it turn from green to orange.

Tamopan persimmon is one of the cultivars in the astringent type. It takes on an unusual shape. It is usually large and broad with a deep indent around the top, which makes it looks like an oriental bowl with a thick cap on top.

Tamopan persimmon is sweet when fully ripe and will become very soft and mushy. When it is extremely soft, overturn the fruit, peel from the bottom and scoop it with a spoon. The edible thick skin will act as a bowl to hold the soft fresh and it is usually seedless.

Fruit: Tamopan Persimmon ; Diospyros kaki ; Ebenaceae.

Other fruit in the same family: Fuyu Persimmon.

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  1. The different varieties of this fruit is confusing. Some are astringent, some are non-astringent. When persimmons are available at my store I would like to know what I am buying, but the staff can't provide me with this knowledge. Thanks to you Fruity, I am able to learn about exotic fruits.

  2. OOOH, I've always wanted to taste a persimmon.


    I'm making it through the winter. We're in a snowstorm warning now. You should listen to the winds howl.

    Hugs, JJ

  3. I've never seen this fruit in my life before. It looks lovely! :D

  4. It looks like a weird tomato. I've heard of them before, but this is the first time I've seen one.

  5. Anonymous8:41 PM

    I love persimmons. I haven't seen this Tamopan type in the raw state. It always comes in the dried and preserve ones. I will soak it in warm water and eat it. :D

    But we have the round freah ones. I love those too.


  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    My Father grew Persimmons and I remember my Grandma making Persimmon Jam....
    a very unique taste and now you have my mouth watering Fruity :)

  7. Oh I love this fruit, thanks for sharing all this useful information. So finally I can say I can eat the skin. Thanks for sharing, Anna :)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. The last time I has a persimmon, it made my mouth all itchy. Is that common, Fruity?

  10. Thanks to all for your comments

    Anna, welcome aboard

    Sue, those persimmon you had taken was likely to be an astringent type. It will make your mouth itch if it's not fully ripe

    Cheers from Fruity

  11. Great article.

    I'm from China, and we had a tree that grew Tamopan persimmons. Its native name is actually pronounced as "DA Mo Pan", which means "big Grind Stoneplate". It's astringent. I still remember that my mother keep them in a jar with warm water for about a week to get rid of the astringency. When I was child, I also knew a trick, burying the young persimmons in the pond mud for a few days before eating them, thought even today I still don't know the theory of this "chemical" process. I left the village when I went to college, but the tree was still there until 5 or 6 years ago when it's cut down. This article really brought my fun memories about my past and childhood. I wish one day that I will relocate back and grow a lot of fruit trees including this type of wonderful persimmon tree.


  12. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Thanks for posting this - My mom has one of these trees in her backyard. I had no idea what variety of persimmon they were until I googled "persimmon with indent" and your blog popped up.

  13. This is a fruit I just heard about today and seems to have a lot of appeal to it. I have yet to ever see one in the local market, but I guess I may have never been looking since I haven't heard of it. Now going to have to find one and give it a try. Sounds like it is quite delicious.

    Bill M.

  14. I wonder what they taste like? Peach? Lemon? Grape? Someone please tell me! I havnt tried one in my life.

  15. Anonymous1:07 AM

    This is the most common & popular persimmon in Northen China. It's correct Chinese name is "Da Mo Pan" persimmon, or simply "Mo Pan" persimmon. The tree is hardy and the fruits are big. It's a astringent type, so it has its own natural protection against pest,animal,even naughty kid before the fruit is fully ripe.No spay is needed! People usually harvest the fruits when they are still firm (& astringent of couse) and store them in the house to remove the tennin. They preserve really well ( up to several month). I like to eat them when they are soft & half-frozen. It's so sweet, like a fruit ice scream. As for the taste, well... , it tastes just like persimmon. This is a fruit that brings back so many sweet memories to me!

  16. I live in southwest Mississippi. I was walking down the road in my neighborhood when I saw a tree with what looked like small pumpkins growing on it. I am pretty familiar with most fruit trees but had never seen one of these. A persimmon the size of an apple!! Wow!! Now I know why I see deer in that yard so often! Thanks for helping me identify.
