Monday, September 8, 2008


Common Name: Papaya
Vernacular Name: Pawpaw, Tree melon
Botanical Name: Carica papaya
Specimens From: Malaysia
Specimens Weight: 1800 gm [3 lb 15.5 oz]

Papaya, native to Central America and Mexico but it is now a very common fruit grown in most of the tropical and subtropical countries. Some countries called it 'pawpaw' but do not be confused with another unrelated species of fruit that goes by this actual name too.
Papaya Juice
Papaya is green when young and will turn yellowish-orange when ripe while its flesh is yellow, orange or red, depending on the various cultivars. Some varieties can grow to an enormous size (above 4kg/10 lbs), especially those from the South America origins. While others are in dwarf sizes but are usually slightly sweeter than those huge giants.

Papaya can also be eaten when it is still in its unripe green stage but it is bland and usually used in Indian cooking or Thai salad. Papaya is rich in papain, an enzyme which is great for colon cleansing and digestive problems. Green unripe papaya contains far more papain than when it is ripe.

Dried Payaya
 There are numerous small black seeds clustered in the center. It is edible and tastes spicy, similar to black pepper but it is usually not well appreciated and discarded.

Time for a papaya juice or you may add milk for a papaya milkshake! No sugar needed as it is already sweet on its own.

In some places, it is processed into dried papaya and eaten as a snack.

Fruit: Papaya; Carica papaya; Caricaceae.

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  1. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Final a fruit I know as we get it (not grow it!) in Norway too. Its consider very sophisticated though, but I like it.

  2. Mmm, when I go on a holiday to Hawaii there's nothing like a sugary-sweet locally grown papaya...

  3. Suddenly I remember a music album realeased in 1986 by a Swedish country singer.

    One of the songs had some words that went something like this: "A papaya coconut, and a place in the sun yes, that is all that is needed to thaw a frozen soul...."

  4. I know this one and I've had it before. It's pretty good!

  5. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Papaya! Yum! Thanks for the descript!

  6. Love papayas but love the pawpaw even better. What I know as the pawpaw is the large round fruit which is not as sweet as the papaya as you said.

    Yes they are great for the digestive system and I drink the juice if I am slimming or if my stomach is over acidic.

  7. I remember trying papaya seeds after hearing they were edible and the indescribable GROSSNESS of them - LOL. Needless to way, I am not a fan of papaya seeds. I like dried papaya flesh, but I've never been very fond of it fresh.

    Nice post - as always! Looking forward to the next one!

  8. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Papaya is one of my favorites! I love eating it when it is not yet too ripe...otherwise, I put it in a blender and make it a papaya shake. I usually make some fresh fruit shakes for breakfast and if it's not mango, it's papaya! The papaya tree we have in our backyard has grown a bit and I'm now excited to harvest some of its fruits...yey!

  9. I don't know what I was thinking, but I thought that papaya seeds are the one for eating - not until I tasted the other parts, lol. Thanks for sharing, great info. Anna :)

  10. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Papaya is common fruit for good health. The color of the fruit will be very nice.


    Shreevysh Corp

  11. Fruity,
    I given you an award over at my blog. Check it out. Congratulations!

  12. it is a sweet fruit.its very sophisticated though, but i like it.beautiful yallow color. its just like yammy.
    Frank Riched

  13. Thanks for all your wonderful comments

  14. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Papayas are so tasty and they're great for beauty. Read this to learn how papayas can be part of your beauty regime

  15. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Tasty ,delicious ,nutritious ,& tremendously good fruit.

    Free Satellite TV

  16. I love papayas .. its really very good for your health.. and specially for a good skin.

    ""bpo solutions"

  17. The papain enzymes in papaya can be used as a natural meat tenderizer so next time you grill some steaks try marinating them in papaya juice, salt and pepper.

  18. i have several trees that have been popping up in my back yard. They look very much like mango trees, the leaves are a bit wider. They get the grouping of "berries" in the middle, but they are spiy...and then they dont grow, they eventually fall off. Any ideas what type of mango this is, will it fruit?

  19. by the way - I live near Orlando Florida
