Common Name: Nectarine (Yellow Flesh)
Botanical Name: Prunus persica
Specimens From: Australia
Specimens Weight: 95 gm (average wgt per fruit)
Nectarines are native to China and are one of the oldest fruits around, dating back several thousands years ago. It is now the second most grown fruit trees worldwide, after apple, due to its favorable aromatic flavour.
There are thousands of cultivars but most of them are usually yellow with shades of red or pink on its smooth fuzz-less skin. Those with velvety fuzzy skin are known as peaches but they are actually of the same species as one single tree may produce both type of fruits.
Both types of the skin are edible. Its flesh is either white or yellow. White flesh is usually sweeter whereas the yellow flesh is more acidic but it may differ too depending on the cultivars. The photos shown above are the yellow fleshed nectarines. There is also another type with the unusual flattened shape, the pan tao or donut nectarine/peach.
As nectarines have fuzzless skin, they tend to look redder and also bruise easier than peaches. On size wise, nectarines are usually smaller than peaches.
Nectarines can be either clingstones or freestones, meaning that the flesh sticking to the stones or not. Most of the clingstone nectarines are meant for canning. Freestone nectarines are better off as fresh fruits.
There is a single brown seed encased in a woody pit or stone. The seed tastes bitter as it contains cyanide. Avoid eating it as it is harmful when taken in large doses.
Nectarine; Prunus persica; Amygdalus; Prunoideae; Rosaceae.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009
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I like these because they don't have the fuzz that gets caught between your teeth.
I love these! I always appreciate the story behind these! Thank you!
"The hairless peach" ... I'm not satisfied with the quality of nectarines available in the stores-They are disappointingly hard.
YUM!!! I loooove nectarines. Great post. Wish you could give out samples. :D
Hugs!!! JJ
One of my fave exotic fruit and it reminds me of Christmas :-)
Have a nice weekend!
That's very interesting information! My kids were just asking recently what 'family' of fruit the nectarine would be considered part of. Now I can share lots of nectarine info with them!
I hope the weekend was fantastic!
And I always thought that it was european fruit. Excellent info, thanks for sharing. Anna :)
very nice and informative site.. i had a great time reading some of your post.. keep it up and hope to read more great stories ahead.
I love nectarines! I especially like them grilled with a fruity balsamic, or in fruit salads. Great site-- I'm usually afraid to buy unusal fruits like lychees and persimmons because I'm not sure what to do with them, but your blog comes to the rescue!
No new fruit yet. I will be back then later. Anna :)
Great post and photos, Fruity!!!
Nectarines are one of my favorite fruits. Thanks for the tip on the free stone and cling stone.
Hugs, JJ
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Delicious fruite. very informative post. THANKS
Hi Fruity!
I want you to take a look at Meyer lemons sometime. They are a cross between a lemon and an orange and they're wonderful!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. Am just making my presence felt, my friend.
Thanks for the insightful post. It is interestingly innovative. May I be so privileged to follow your every post? I have been dropping your EC. Hope you're in the best of health.
Good stuff...fruits are always yum whatever be the species really.
They're good and all, but I still prefer peaches over these. Even if the peach fuzz is a little irritating.
Red delicious fruits.beautiful!
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Love nectarines! Who knew that they were called Yellow Flesh. Love learning new things about fruit.
The fruit of life. I absolutely love nectarines. A tasty treat on a hot summer day.
Nectarines are a very delicious fruit. I wish I could get these all year round.
Nectarines are great. The perfect snack on a hot summer day.
I love nectarines more than peaches.
I wish you could get these all year round. I could eat them 24/7 if my body would let me.
Excellent :)
Even fruits can be unhealthy, if they aren't produced accordingly. If the fruits are full of chemicals or substances to look better, than they aren't healthy at all. The kind of food which definitely doesn't contain these substances is organic food.
Help us identify these fruits/plants
Nectarines are a great addition to traditional fruit salad!
very good ..
it's interesting for me, thank you .
great info, i love nectarines - baked in the oven
Your Blog is very interesting and I found the name of a couple fruits I have tried but did not know what they were called. I hope to come across some of these that I have not tried.
My fruit pictures are at but after reading your page I may have the custard apple misnamed.
Sounds like a tasty dish. I might try this out in the upcoming holidays.
Thanks for this post. Have a happy holiday season!
Interesting information you have shared about nectarine. I love to read this and nectarine are one of my favorite fruit.
nectarines are wonderful and so is this blog, with all these useful information, really great. thanks a bunch!
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