Friday, March 7, 2008


  • Common Name: Indian Jujube
  • Vernacular Name: Ber
  • Scientific Name: Ziziphus mauritiana
  • From: India
Indian jujube is native from Southern China to India but can be found in many other warmer countries. It differs from its more popular cousin, Chinese jujube, which is the hardier species that grown in cooler countries.

India jujube receives much attention in India, where many cultivars have been explored. Depending on the various cultivars, it can be round, oval or oblong. The immature jujube is green, ripens to yellowish-green. It will turn fully brown or red when mature and starts to wrinkle when over-ripes.

It can be eaten whole, minus the single stone, at any of the ripening stages. Crisp, mildly sweet to astringent when green to yellow but soft, sweet and mealy when it ripens. It is usually smaller and not as sweet as the common(Chinese) jujubes.

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  1. Another one I have never seen before. It kinda reminds me of a plum.

  2. This reminds me of plums too. Sounds delish!!!

    Good morning, dear Fruity!

    I had no idea so many fruits exist in the world.

    Hugs, JJ

  3. Jujube? Well, I have heard about that fruit. Perhaps a pot plant too?

  4. Anonymous1:15 PM

    i have tasted the jujube before. We've got that in my country as well.

  5. Thanks for sharing the jujube with us. Sounds like interesting fruit. Wow, so little I have seen and tasted. Thanks again, Anna :)

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    You know I've tasted the Chinese one (from a friend of ours from China) but not the Indian one - thanks for sharing!

    Wishing you a great weekend ;-)

  7. Another addition to my growing list of fruit to try. :) Jujube is pleasing to the ear as well, nice name or endearment. LOL!

  8. Thanks to all for your comments.
    Cheers from Fruity

  9. Anonymous2:56 AM

    This fruit also grows in the Caribbean. Here in Barbados we call them "dunks" and in Jamaica I came across them referred to as "coolie plums". Usually in Barbados they are in season from December through the early months of the year. They are delish!

  10. i'm Gio and growing in the Philippines, i was exposed to lots of tropical and exotic of those is the Indian Jujube or known to us as "Manzanitas" and when is brown (which can be cooked and made to a preserve) we call it "dikiam" or prunes...when it is ripe and has that yellowish green to pale yellow, it actually tastes like a green apple somewhat sweet and sour, very crisp and juicy and it has a stone similar to that of cherries.

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Delicious ! I would love to see , eat & distribute among my friends.

    Free Satellite TV

  12. green5:42 PM

    I want to suggest the folowing rare fruits:

    honeyberry (lonicera careulea);
    Nanking Cherry (prunus tomentosa);
    Service Tree (sorbus domestica);
    Goumi (elaeagnum multiflora)
