Wednesday, March 26, 2008


  • Common Name: Pomegranate
  • Vernacular Names: Grenade, Granada
  • Scientific Name: Punica granatum
  • Specimens from: India
  • Specimens Weight: 188 gm (average weight per fruit)
Pomegranate, the name derives from the Latin language, meaning "fruit/apple with many grains/seeds". Yes, the name says it all. If you bother to count the seeds, it is usually between 300 to 700. This is a fruit from the ancient world. It is native from Iran to northern India and has been cultivated and spread throughout the Mediterranean region since biblical times.

The rind of the fruit usually ranges from yellowish-orange, pink to full red. The photos shown above is the red pomegranate cultivar, which is commonly found in most places.
The taste ranges from juicy sweet, acidic sweet to tangy sour but it is usually somewhere in-between. This is definitely one of the most troublesome fruits to eat. First, use a sharp knife and cut it into half or quarter. Then, use a small spoon to scoop out all the red pulps but the internal yellowish-white membrane will follow along, just let it be. Throw everything into a bowl of water and they will separate by itself. The edible pulps will sink to the bottom and the lighter, bitter membranes will float to the top. Pour away the water together with the unwanted membranes but leave the pulps in the bowl.

Scoop a spoonful of the delicious red pulp and chew it all at once. In this way, you can really feel all the sweet juice down your throat, minus a few precious drops that may drip from your mouth. The red translucent flesh, surrounding each and every seeds, is the one we are going for.

Even though the seeds are edible, I prefer not to eat it. Just don't fancy the idea of having a few hundred seeds floating around in my stomach. Yes, it is very troublesome having to spit out all the seeds. Some seeds are hard but some are soft, so the best idea is to chew in the soft seeds but spit out the hard ones. Try it, you may like it, as long as you are not a lazy eater :)

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  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hi Fruity,

    My name is Shannon and I'm the editorial assistant at I am very impressed with the quality of your posts and to that end, I’d like to invite you to be a part of our newly launched Foodbuzz Featured Publisher program. I would love to send you more details about the program, so if you are interested, please email me at


    Shannon Eliot
    Editorial Assistant,

  2. This is one of the few fruits my teenager will eat.

  3. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Yum, I love pomegranate, and now look forward to it every Autumn! The juice reminds me of naturally sweetened cranberry juice. Delicious and fun to play with! :D

  4. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Hi - besides Goji berries the pomegranate seems to be the food of the moment. I wonder which food item will be next on the list?

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Hi I do apologise but somehow I have placed the wrong blog address on my post. -
    Hi - besides Goji berries the pomegranate seems to be the food of the moment. I wonder which food item will be next on the list?

  6. Yum!!! I love pomegranates. They have a sweet yet slightly bitter taste. And I love how they keep in the refrigerator.

    Great post!!!

    Hugs, JJ

  7. Love these guys - just wish they weren't so expensive!

  8. This is one my favorite fruit, I can eat it over and over again. During Xmas we had them a lot, and now I cannot find them in supermarkets, and just by looking at them I have a craving again. Thanks for sharing all this good stuff info. Anna :)

  9. Anonymous10:16 PM

    So, this is the thing that pulled Persephone back to the underworld. I never seen it before, even in piccture util now.

  10. I love pomegranates... just wish the silly things weren't so hard to get into! And I can't imagine spitting out the seeds. That's what they mostly are. I guess it would take me a lot longer to eat one. Nah, I'm just too lazy! :-)

  11. This is the first time I am seeing a pomegranate cut in half. Not as bad as I'd imagined from tales. Eating it sounds like a messy task though but I will heed your advice and try it the next time I come across one. :)

  12. Love them but never see the whole fruit in the shops anymore just the seeds or juice.

    As a child in Zimbabwe we always had a couple of trees in our garden as they also were very pretty when flowering and only grew to the size of a big shrub.

    I swallow all the seeds even though they used to say they would get caught up in our appendix, I have still got mine at 63, so that was obviously an old wives tale LOL

  13. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I love, love, love pomegranate! The pulp reminds me of little tiny grapes...yum-o!

  14. The pomegranate is now very popular and can be found in almost every grocery store in Sweden. The seeds are often added to salads but I hate when the seeds get stuck in between my teeth.

  15. Hello again, just ate one yesterday, oh it was so good. Anna :)

  16. I simply love pommegranate. A friend of mine uses it in a fruit salad with pineapple, banana, pecans, mango and fresh coconut drizzled with a sauce of honey and lemon to keep it from browning. It also helps make it really yummy. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I think I need to go to the store and get some fruit!

  17. Thank you to all for all your comments. Hopefully, you will enjoy this fruit like I do.
    Cheers from Fruity

  18. I recently came across your site via entrecard and thought I'd come check things out and say hello.

    I love pomegranite!! Haven't tried the juice that seems to be all the rage, but love the fruit. :)

    Have a great day!!

  19. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Pomegranates take me back to my youth.

  20. Oh! This is one of my favorite fruits!! I totally forgot that on my favorite fruits list!

  21. ooh, pomegranates!Sooo good... Mmm, pomegranate tea is great too!

  22. I loved it. This is one of the most popular fruit in America. The seeds are often added to salads but I don’t like Pomegranate in salads
    Frank Riched

  23. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Nice fruit . Juicy ,tasty,spicy,colorful fruit .

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