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Sunday, September 28, 2008


Common Name: Cempedak
Vernacular Name: Chempedak
Botanical Name: Artocarpus champeden
Specimens From: Malaysia
Specimens Weight: 1104 gm [2 lb 6.9 oz]

Cempedak, the smaller cousin of the well-known, jackfruit. It adopts the Malay name as it does not have an English name. It is a seasonal fruit native to southeast Asia.

Cempedak looks similar to the jackfruit except that it is much smaller in size but it is large in comparison to other fruits. It is also sweeter, stickier and with a strong odor when it is ripe.

You will know when it is ripe as it will emit a strong odor that fills the room, similar to the durian. It will turn light green with dark brown spots appearing on several of the flattened studs. It is also slightly sticky when you touch it due to the secretion of latex through the rind.

The rind is thick but soft, so it is easy to cut it length-wise into half. There are many fleshy, yellowish-orange pulp which encases each brown seed inside. The pulp is sweet, sticky and mushy with a rather chewy skin if you eat it raw. Another style is fried cempedak, a popular Malay snack. It is very tasty. The hard seeds can be eaten too when boiled or roasted.

Cempedak; Chempedak; Artocarpus champeden; Moraceae.

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Mom Knows Everything said...

Interesting, I've never seen those before.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fruit I saw in Brazil. If it's the same one that I am thinking of, it's called "bread fruit" in English and "Jaca" in Portuguese.

Anonymous said...

cempedak is one of my favourite fruit! i'am zul and i from malaysia.i had visited your blog and it is quite interesting. therefore, i've link to your site at and hope you can link back to me with title "Teens make money online". hope to get a reply from you soon...tq

Anonymous said...

I've eaten this fruit with my Vietnamese friends and they also said there's no English word for it. So I just say the "sticky green fruit!"

Anonymous said...

Never think I saw that when I was in Malaysia but it looks delicious.

Wishing you a great end to your week :-)

Anonymous said...

Jack fruit is seasonal fruit. This fruit is very soft and fleshy nature. It is used to prepare medicines.


Sreevysh Corp

cathy said...

Your blog is always so interesting. I've never heard of a cempedak. I've heard of jackfruit before but honestly know nothing about it other than its name.

myonlyphoto said...

Wow, interesting fruit. May be one day I will have opportunity to try it, lol. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)


What a neat looking fruit. Never had heard of it so I learned something new today!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a fruit I saw in Brazil. If it's the same one that I am thinking of, it's called "bread fruit" in English and "Jaca" in Portuguese

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog :) Looking forward to your new 'fruit'.
Do check out these 2 interesting articles:

Great fruits for great skin

5 Smelly but Healthy Fruits

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

What a weird-looking fruit but it sounds scrumptious.

Hey, Fruity. Wild wave!!! It's been too long since we've visited each other.

Hugs, JJ

Fruity said...

Thanks for all your comments.

Breadfruit is another fruit under the same family. It is not the cempedak.


Anonymous said...

HOW COOL. I just clickstumbled to your blog.

very interesting.

off to explore.


Bornean Rose said...

My family have cempedak trees and when the season come we will sell it. My mum used to make a dry cempedak because it is just too many to sell. I don't really like it because i hate it when my hand get sticky but the taste really nice..:)

Anonymous said...

Hey jack fruit cousin is lovely . good taste, colour & quality.appealing !

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Healthy Lifestyle Blogzine said...

I love cempedak! Cempedak goreng (fried cempedak) taste heavenly! It's totally different from Nangka (Jackfruit) although they look similar.

Anonymous said...

have you eaten all of these fruits??